KTO Karatay University Journal of Health Sciences; It is an open access scientific electronic publication that publishes independent, impartial and double-blind peer-review principles. The publication language of the journal is Turkish or English and it is published 3 times a year (October, February, June). The journal is committed to promoting the highest standards of scientific research, clinical practice and education. The publication language of the journal is Turkish or English.
KTO Karatay University Journal of Health Sciences covers many fields under the roof of health sciences, especially nutrition and dietetics, child development, midwifery, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, nursing and audiology, basic medical sciences, informatics, law, innovation, psychology, social services. It is a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
Submitting an article to KTO Karatay University Journal of Health Sciences means that all authors have read and accepted the journal's publication policies and publication ethics. Submissions should be prepared in accordance with the ICMJE guideline.
Shipments must be prepared in accordance with the international guidelines presented in the table below.
Research Design |
Guide |
Randomized Controlled Trial |
Non-randomized Trial |
Experiment Protocol |
Observational Epidemiological Trials (Case-Control, Cross-sectional, Cohort) |
Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses |
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols |
Qualitative Studies
Methodical Studies (Translation and Adaptation Tests) |
Methodical Studies (Development Tests) |
Case Report |
KTO Karatay University Journal of Health Sciences adopts ICMJE's clinical trial policy. Accordingly, all clinical trials (randomized and nonrandomized) must be registered in one of the databases of or WHO's International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP). The name of the registration platform of the clinical trial, the registration number should be added to the Title Page.
KTO Karatay University Journal of Health Sciences processes only the articles sent using the "Submit Article" link on the journal web page. You can follow all the processes related to your articles from this address.
The compliance of the submissions with the journal writing rules will be checked first by the Editorial Office, and the articles that are not prepared in accordance with the journal writing rules will be sent back to their authors with technical correction requests.
of the authors; They are required to upload the Copyright Agreement and Author Contribution Form and the ICMJE Potential Conflicts of Interest Form (this form must be completed by all authors) to the online article system at the time of first submission.
Writing rules
Authors must comply with the following guidelines before submitting their articles.
- Submit the article as a Word document with 12 font size, 1.5 line spacing, justified, headings left aligned, 2.5 cm margins, and prepared in Times New Roman font. Do not send in PDF format.
- The language of the articles should be clear and understandable. For articles in Turkish, the Turkish dictionary of the Turkish Language Association or the address, as well as the dictionary of terms belonging to their own branches of the Turkish Medical Associations should be taken as basis.
Title: Titles should be short, specific and informative. Do not use excessively general titles, descriptive titles, titles containing the direction of study results, or titles in the form of questions for scientific articles. Include study type (eg, randomized clinical trial, meta-analysis, systematic review) as subtitles for reports of clinical trials, meta-analyses, and systematic reviews.
Title page: A separate title page must be submitted with all submitted articles. On this page;
- The title of the article and its short title not exceeding 50 characters,
- All authors' academic titles, names and surnames, institutions, e-mail and correspondence addresses, work phones and mobile phones, ORCID numbers,
- The academic title, name and surname, institution, e-mail and correspondence address of the corresponding author, work phone and mobile phone, ORCID number,
- Detailed information about financial support information and other support resources,
- If the article has been presented as a communiqué before, the place and date of the notification,
- It should contain information about individuals who contributed to the article preparation process but did not meet the authorship criteria.
- Information about authors and their institutions should not be included in the main text, tables, figures and video documents.
Abstract: All articles other than Letters to the Editor should have Turkish and English abstracts. Abstracts of Original Research articles should be prepared in a way to include the sub-headings of "Aim", "Materials and Methods", "Findings" and "Conclusion". summaries; reference should not contain figure or table numbers. Abbreviations should not be used in abstracts unless necessary. Abstracts should be prepared in accordance with the instructions in “Table 1” and attached to the article file.
Keywords: It should be limited to 3-5 and the words should be separated from each other with semicolons (;). Turkish keywords should be given in accordance with Turkish Science Terms (TBT), and English keywords should be given in accordance with "Medical Subject Headings (MESH)".
Main Text: The main text of the research article should include the sub-titles “Introduction”, “Materials and Methods”, “Findings”, “Discussion”, “Conclusion and Suggestions”, “Resources”. In the Material and Method sub-title, the type, place and time of the research, the universe and the sample, the sampling method, the data collection tool, the attempt, if any, the statistical evaluation, the ethics, the limitations of the research should be written. The main text of the review article should include “Introduction”, “Clinical and Research Effects” and “Conclusion” sections. In the case report, the main text should include the sub-titles "Introduction", "Case Report" and "Discussion". The letter to the editor should be without subtitles and should not contain abstracts, keywords, tables, figures, pictures and other visuals. Headings should be in capital letters, 12 points and bold, in normal font.
English texts; It should include English title, abstract, keywords, Turkish title, Turkish abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion.
Statistical Evaluation: All research articles should be evaluated statistically. Statistical tests should be briefly mentioned in the Materials and Methods section. In articles, p values should be given explicitly (eg p=0.012; p=0.524). mean and standard deviation in normaldata; for non-normal data, minimum-maximum values, ranges (R), or ranges of quarters (IQR) should be used. Losses, such as those who leave a clinical trial or drop out of follow-up, or who are not in an observational study, should be reported in observation. The processed articles are checked by the biostatistics editor, if necessary. Compliance of the articles with biostatistical rules is the responsibility of the authors. Units should be prepared in accordance with the International System of Units (SI), which is the international unit system.
Tables, Figures, Pictures and Graphics: Tables should be added to the main text, presented after the reference list, and numbered in accordance with the order of passage in the main text. There should be a descriptive title on the tables and the abbreviations in the table should be defined under the table. Tables should be prepared in a Microsoft Office Word file using the "Insert Table" command and should be arranged in an easy-to-read manner.
The data presented in the tables should not be a repetition of the data presented in the main text; They should support the data in the main text. Figures, pictures/photos should be added to the system as separate .jpg or .gif files (approximately 500x400 pixels, 8 cm wide and 300 resolution scanned). All abbreviations used should be stated in the explanation below the figures, pictures and graphics. If previously printed figures, pictures, tables and graphics are used, written permission should be obtained and this permission should be stated in the description of the figure, picture, table and graphic. Pictures/photos must be colourful, with enough contrast and clarity to see details. The double-blind rule must be followed in figures, as in the rest of the text. Any information that may indicate a person or institution should be hidden in the images.
Abbreviations: Abbreviations should not be used in abstracts and titles unless necessary. Abbreviations used in the journal should be nationally or internationally accepted, should be defined in the text when first used, and should be written in parentheses. Then that abbreviation should be used throughout the text. For commonly accepted abbreviations and usage, please see “Scientific Style and Format” ( When a drug, product, hardware or software program is mentioned in the main text; Product information (including state in the USA) should be given in parentheses, including the name of the product, the manufacturer of the product, and the city and country where the company is located.
Protection of Research Data: It is obligatory to keep the data of each research published by the researcher for 5 years. Data and analysis programs of some articles may be requested from the authors when needed, in accordance with both our editorial policy and the rules of the international publishing organizations we are involved in.
Data Sharing
As of January 1, 2019, it has become mandatory to add a statement about data sharing during the registration of clinical trials. Accordingly, it is obligatory for authors to make a statement about data sharing in their articles containing clinical trial results. According to the ICMJE data sharing policy, the data sharing statement must contain the following items:
- Will de-identified participant data be shared?
- Exactly what data will be shared?
- Will additional or other relevant documents be available?
- When and for how long will the data be available?
- Which criteria will be used to share data?
Authors can review examples of ICMJE data sharing at Points to consider when submitting a clinical trial article to KTO Karatay University Journal of Health Sciences;
- Authors should register their clinical trials on a public platform in accordance with the ICMJE criteria and the journal policies outlined above.
- The name of the registration platform and the registration number should be added to the Title Page during article submission.
- Data sharing statement about the study should also be included in the Title Page, even if the authors do not plan to share the data.
Table 1. Restrictions to Consider by Article
Font Type |
Word Limit |
Abstract Word Limit |
Resource Limit |
Table Border |
Shape, İmage Graphic Border |
Research Article |
3500 |
250 (structured) |
35 |
6 |
10 |
Review Article |
4000 |
250 |
50 |
5 |
10 |
Case Report |
1000 |
200 |
15 |
5 |
10 |
Letter to the Editor |
500 |
Does not include summary |
5 |
Does not include table |
Does not include image |
Source Writing
While making use of existing works in scientific research, there are two techniques: indirect citation (citation) and direct citation (citation). In citations, the quoted text is transferred to the text in the own words of the quoting author. In quotations, the quoted text is transferred to the text without changing it. It is obligatory to cite references in citations and citations within the framework of scientific procedures and ethics.
Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the 74 rules of the American Psychological Association (APA). Congress papers, personal experiences, unpublished theses cannot be cited as sources, but they can be mentioned in the article.
References in the Main Text:
In articles with a maximum of two authors, all authors should be indicated, if three or more, the first name is written and “et al.” for Turkish articles, “et al.” for English articles. should be used.
Citation to a work by one author:
In a sentence: Sade (2021) …
In parentheses: … (Sade, 2021).
Citation to work by two authors:
In a sentence: Sade and Ergun (2021) …
In parentheses: … (Sade and Ergun, 2021).
Citation to works with three or more authors:
In a sentence: Sade et al. (2006) …
In parentheses: … (Sade et al., 2006).
Citing more than one work in the same sentence:
In a sentence: Ergun (2021), Sade (2021).
In parentheses: … (Ergun 2021; Sade 2021; Sunar 2021).
References to works with the same authors and years:
… (Sade, 2021a).
… (Sade, 2021b).
Reference to the work whose author is a legal person:
First reference in sentence: World Health Organization (WHO, 2021) …
First reference in parentheses: … (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021).
Next citations in a sentence: WHO (2021) …
Subsequent citations in parentheses: … (WHO, 2021).
Preparation of References Subtitle:
Source styles for different post types are presented in the examples below.
Journal article:
Alavi, M., & Leidner, D. E. (2001). Knowledge management and knowledge management systems: Conceptual foundations and research issues. MIS Quarterly, 25(1), 107-136.
Electronic journal article:
Negi, N. J., Bender, K. A., Furman, R., Fowler, D. N., & Prickett, J. C. (2010). Enhancing self-awareness: A practical strategy to train culturally responsive social work students. Advances in Social Work, 11(2), 223-234. Access:
Book (without editor):
Hole, F., & Heizer, R. F. (1969). An introduction to prehistoric archeology. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Book (with editor):
Hallinan, M. T. (Ed.). (2006). Handbook of the sociology of education. springer
Book (with no author and editor):
The Australian Oxford dictionary (3rd ed.). (1999). Oxford University Press.
In-text citation: (“The Australian Oxford”, 1999).
Book chapter (with editor and author):
Watson, J. B., & Rayner, R. (2013). Conditioned emotional reactions: The case of Little Albert (D. Webb, Ed.). CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
Book whose author is a legal person:
National Fire Protection Association. (2009). Fundamentals of fire fighting skills (2nd ed.). Jones and Bartlett.
First in-text reference: (National Fire Protection Association [NFPA], 2015).
Subsequent citations in the text: (NFPA, 2015).
When the author submits a revised version of an article, the “Response to Reviewers” detailing how each question asked by the reviewers was handled, where it can be found (each reviewer's comment, followed by the author's response and line numbers where changes were made), as well as an annotated copy of the main document ” should be presented. Revised manuscripts must be submitted within 30 days from the date of the decision letter. If the revised version of the article is not submitted within the given time, the revision option may be canceled. If the sending author(s) think that additional time is required, they should request this extension before the end of the first 30-day period. All spelling and grammatical errors in the submitted articles are corrected by our editorial committee without making any changes to the submitted data.