Ethical Principles

The processes of the journal including the author, editor, referee and reader are the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), the Council of Science Editors (CSE), the European Association of Science Editors (EASE), It is conducted in accordance with the principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

An Ethics Committee Report is required for clinical, experimental, pharmaceutical, research articles and some case reports in accordance with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki “Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects”, (amended in October 2013, Ethics Committee Report or equivalent official approval letter is requested from the authors.

In studies conducted on humans, the procedure should be explained and an explanation of participant consent should be included in the article. It is the author(s) responsibility to protect the confidentiality of the identities of the participants included in the research sample. For situations that may reveal the identity of the participants, it is necessary to obtain signed permission from the participant or their legal representatives and send the permission approval to the journal, and the statement regarding the approval should be stated in the method section of the article.

For research on animals, an Ethics Committee Report is required in accordance with the Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals, Version 8, 2011 or International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals, 2012. Subjects should not be given pain, discomfort or discomfort, and the procedure applied for this purpose should be included in the method section of the article.

In the methods section of the article, the Ethics Committee Report (with the name of the institution, approval document number and date), and patient consents should be written.

Plagiarism and Ethical Abuses

Articles sent to the KTO Karatay University Journal of Health Sciences are scanned with the I (iThenticate by CrossCheck) software for similarity detection. Authors are strongly advised to avoid all forms of plagiarism and ethical misconduct.


All persons identified as authors in the submission must meet the 4 authorship criteria recommended by ICMJE ( These;

1. It should make significant contributions to the conceptual or design phases of the study or to the collection/processing, analysis or interpretation of data.

2. Make significant intellectual/conceptual critical revisions to the preparation of the study design or the content.

3. Must approve the work that is ready for publication.

4. Accept responsibility for all aspects of the work, ensuring that questions regarding the accuracy and completeness of any part of the work are properly investigated and resolved.

In order to act in accordance with authorship rights, all names specified as authors must meet the criteria and qualifications of authorship. It is the joint responsibility of the authors to determine whether all persons designated as authors meet the authorship criteria. Contributions that do not meet the authorship criteria should be indicated under the "Acknowledgements" heading on the Title Page.

Accordingly, the responsible author(s) should upload the scanned version of the Copyright Agreement and the Author Contribution Form to the system during the article submission process. If the Editorial Board suspects ghost/grace authorship during the article evaluation process, the relevant article will be rejected.

Conflict of Interest Statement

KTO Karatay University Journal of Health Sciences; requests and encourages them to disclose any existing or potential conflicts of interest, including financial, corporate and other relationships that may lead to a potential conflict of interest or prejudice. Any financial or other support received from an individual or institution for a study, potential conflict of interest cases involving editors, authors and referees are resolved by the Editorial Board of the journal within the scope of COPE and ICMJE guidelines. The Editorial Board and the Publisher do not guarantee or endorse any product, information, idea, opinion or service advertised in the publication.

1. It should be clearly stated whether any financial or moral support is received from any company that provides or produces drugs, medical instruments, equipment and materials during the research process.

2. It should be clearly stated whether or not all authors or their family members in the post have the potential for conflict of interest, such as committee membership, consultancy, expertise, shareholding.

3. It should be clearly stated whether there is any conflict of interest in the research steps such as data collection, analysis and writing of the submission.

4. If the subject of the post is any commercial product, the author(s); It should be clearly stated whether or not there is any conflict of interest with the product, product manufacturer or distributor.

5. Conflict of Interest Statement prepared in accordance with ICMJE principles must be signed by all authors and uploaded to the system.

Copyright and Licensing

KTO Karatay University Journal of Health Sciences requires the addition of a Copyright Agreement for each submission. By signing this form, the author(s) reserves the copyright of the article and accepts that it will be licensed if accepted for publication by KTO Karatay University Journal of Health Sciences.

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Correction and Retraction Requests

Articles published by KTO Karatay University Journal of Health Sciences are the final version. Therefore, after publication, correction requests are evaluated by the Editorial Board according to the COPE guidelines.

Typographical errors in author names, links, article titles, abstracts, keywords, and digital object identifiers (DOI) can be corrected with an erratum.

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